a hippos predators
ADW: Hexaprotodon liberiensis: INFORMATION.
Categorized information on diet, habitat, behavior, diet, reproduction and growth, etc. "The adult hippo's only real enemy (other than man) is his pool mate.
Hippopotamus: WhoZoo.
Hit by a Hippo | Nat Geo Wild.
Oops, they weren't logs after all: The moment a crocodile was killed.
a hippos predators
Hippo Facts For Kids | Hippopotamus Habitat | Hippopotamus Diet.a hippos predators
What Do Hippos Eat? - Ask.com.Hippopotamus Information - JungleWalk.com.
in-depth information about hunting hippo - hunting tactics, hunting tips, calibres, . habits, cites status, sci minimum measurements, where to hunt, interesting facts .
The adult hippo doesn't really have a natural predator, or an animal that feeds on the species as its prey. Unless, of course, you were to broaden the scope.
Watch all of ARKive's Hippopotamus videos - Hippopotamus amphibius.. Female hippopotamus with infant, infant suckles underwater · © Mark Deeble and.
Scientific Name: Hippopotamus amphibius. Size: 13 feet long and 5 feet tall. Weight: Up to 31/2 tons. Lifespan: 50 years. Habitat: Rivers, swamps and protected.
Hippopotamus - Natural History on the Net.